Reflecting on the Impacts of Science


Objective D: Reflecting on the Impacts of Science is a great way to include elements of International Mindedness and Global Engagement (IMaGE) to the course, through the Global Contexts and real-world case studies. It doesn’t need to be a weeks-long endeavour and can be a powerful hook or anchor for the unit.

It also doesn’t need to be (should’t be) all doom and gloom (Stephen’s post here). Through connecting wonder for and appreciation of the world we live in and the science that can make it better, we can help drive meaningful, evidence-based inquiry and develop a “fact-based worldview” in our learners. Case studies can really help with this.

Here are some resources: 


A graphic organiser for analysing case-studies (or developing ideas) in CritD.

The colour image shows some instructions/suggestions. The b/w image can be stuck on the middle of a large sheet for mind-mapping, planning and discussion. To make an editable copy of just the map & instructions, click here.


The presentation below includes some sample case study videos and a lesson plan for tuning-in to Crit D. As always, this is Creative Commons, attribution, share-alike work, so please use appropriately.


What if…?

GlobalGoals@sjtylrWhat if we made explicit connections to the Sustainable Development Goals in the place of the factors in CritD?

There are many natural connections and some amazing resources out there, including Our World in Data’s SDG Tracker.

See the slide below for some outlines, hexagonal thinking cards and links to datasets. Animated gif by me.

@sjtylr CritD- Scientific Solutions to Global Issues (3)


Why Them, Why There, Why Then? Developing IMaGE through Orientation in Time and Place (Historical Contexts)

Here is a graphic organiser and thinking routine I developed to develop IMaGE in an inquiry through finding the orientation in time and place. A sense of history is a critical component of developing a student’s global competence and we can use tools like this to integrate history across the curriculum. Click on the image below for a post explaining the strategy.

@sjtylr Developing IMaGE in MYP Sciences (1)


I’ll keep adding to this post over time.

[IMaGE = International Mindedness and Global Engagment. To see my dissertation & resources on this, click here.]