Animal Experimentation Policy

This page is for the IB Animal Experimentation Policy, which can be downloaded here (OCC, login needed). It is essential to take steps in all your labs to work ethically and with respect for living things and the environment. Before going any further with investigations using animals or human participants, read and understand the document carefully. 

“This policy applies to all experimentation in IB World Schools, whether assessed or non- assessed, for extended essays or for the group 4 project, in classrooms or school laboratories, or in other locations where IB students may conduct experiments.” 


Discussion of the Animal Experimentation Policy

Animal Testing in the News:
external image logo-nc3rs-masthead.gifFor interesting reading, the NewScientist recently had an essay-writing competition in conjunction with NC3RS.

Read the winners here:

More reading: 



Here is a human consent pro-forma we use in class, feel free to use and adapt as needed.

More about using humans in trials:

  1. Hi, Stephen, i wanted to know whether a Design Lab on urine analysis will be acceptable under IB animal experimentation policy. Thank you Regards Wafa

  2. Hi, If students just designs the experiment but doesn’t carry it out can they use test subjects in their design?

    • Hi Andrea,

      Interesting question and I’m not sure. If it were human subjects for a reasonable lab (e.g. exercise) and they planned to sign consent forms then OK. If they were planning to kill animals then I’d avoid it. I have them add a statement at the end of each Design lab for ethics and the animal experimentation policy to cover our bases and keep students thinking about it.

      I hope this helps – you might get a better response from the OCC or subject area manager.

      Good luck,


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