Chromosomes, Genes, Alleles and Mutations

Chromosomes, Genes and Alleles:

Here’s a YouTube clip:

Let’s start with a tour of the basics from Learn.Genetics at Utah.

DNA coiling on histone proteins from

A description of chromosomes from Dexter Pratt

Zooming in to Chromosome 11 (a bit too advanced) from the DNA Learning Centre’s Gene Almanac

Transcription Java game from

How do mutations occur? from the DNAi at the Dolan DNA Learning Centre

Evolution of Sickle Cell: Resistance to Malaria

Sickle Cell Anemia: A Mutation Story from the excellent Evolution Library.

About Stephen

International Educator: China via Japan, Indonesia & the UK. Director of Innovation in Learning & Teaching. Science educator. Twitterist (@sjtylr), dad and bloggerer. MA International Education & current EdD student. Experienced Director of Learning & MYP Coordinator. Interested in curriculum, pedagogy, purposeful EdTech and global competence. Find out more: Science site:

Posted on March 24, 2008, in 04 Genetics, DNA and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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