MrT's Extended Essay GoogleSite

MrT’s Extended Essay GoogleSite

Here are some resources that might help you carry out your extended essay or lead a group through their work. They were developed as materials for a summer school sessionI ran for some students here. These are not official IB documents, so bear that in mind.

Some quick tips for students and supervisors:

  • Read the EE subject guide, from the OCC.
  • Read the most recent couple of examples of the EE examiners’ report for the subject you are working in. Do this every year for valuable advice.
  • Get it started, planned and drafted early. I advise students to try to get back to school after the summer break with a full draft completed, so their time can be devoted to the IB2 onslaught of IA’s and exam prep.

Here are some of my resources:

1. GoogleSite resources

Breaks the process into stages and gives some advice for workshops. Link.

2. Standard Submission document

Make life much easier by getting the set-up done early and work within the same document throughout. Save with updated filenames periodically, so work is never lost.

3. Citation Manager Tutorial Videos

To help use the Word Citation Manager in APA format, making life much easier.


As always, if these resources have helped you out, or saved you time, please consider making a donation to one of my chosen charities at Biology4Good.


  1. hello i would like to know what is the minimum word count to obtain a good grade on the ee for biology?

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