IB Bio


Topic 1: Cell Biology

Topic 2: Molecular Biology

Topic 3: Genetics

Topic 4: Ecology

Topic 5: Evolution & Biodiversity

Topic 6: Human Physiology

  1. awesome material!! really helpful!

  2. Website record: 766 page views on Wednesday 6th May 2009 – right before Biology paper 3. Most people were looking for materials on Option H: Further Human Physiology. Rock on.

  3. Hi Stephen,
    Could you please email me when you get a moment–I’m an IB Biology-HL teacher in the US and would like to ask you about some of the amazing resources you have on your site!

  4. Im a teacher in the us and your site is excellent. However im have problems h your presentations. They work at home but not at school? Any ideas?

    • Hi Joe,

      Thanks for the comment!

      Sounds like the school has blocked SlideShare or this site. Your best bet is to go to My SlideShare page when you’re at home and download the presentations, then bring them to school. Some come through as better quality than others.

      Good luck!


  5. Dear Steve,

    You have an excellent web-site. I wish I had found it earlier. Thank you so much for sharing with all your excellent presentations.

  6. Do you by any chance have resources/ or teach Option D Evolution?

  7. Jennifer Sandercock

    Hi Stephen,
    Love your work. As a fellow IB Bio teacher I admire what you do and aspire to have a range of resoruces as well developed as yours. Your students are very lucky. I have been keeping an eye out on BIS with the hope a position may become available one of these years.
    Cheers to you & a BIG THANKYOU for be willing to share with others all the great work you do.

  8. Hello Stephen,
    This is one of the most amazing websites I’ve ever found. Thank you for sharing your hard work. I’ve been trying to compile the same thing and use it for self taught lessons. That way the higher level kids can move through at their own pace and I can focus on the lower level learners and have more one on one instruction.
    I know that you can download your presentations and use them in acrobat. Is there any way you’d be willing to send or host some of the original presentations so that I can edit them for my own use. I completely understand if you do not want to.

    • Hi Jeremy,

      Thanks for the comment. I can’t upload the originals because they’re in SMART Notebook software and are huge files with the animations embedded – also the animations are probably copyrighted . If you read the ‘Saving Videos and Resources’ article above right, it tells you how to save many of the resources featured in the presentations, so that you don’t have to keep burning up bandwidth.

      Good luck!

  9. Thank you so much, Stephen, for this website and the resources you’ve posted on Slideshare. This is my first year teaching biology abroad (in Bulgaria) and first year teaching IB (I have taught biology before, but a quite different curriculum with a different set of resources). I have been using your resources quite a bit.
    Question: you have so much in your powerpoints (that you post) that they seem very “stand-alone. ” Do you still spend significant time in class presenting these? If not, how do you incorporate these slideshows (homework only?) and what do you spend most of your class time doing?
    Thanks again!

    • Hi Jeff – thanks for the comment and glad to be of help.

      I give students the Essential Biology documents for each topic and expect that they read ahead and complete them, using the presentations. Some take to this very well, others need more pushing – so I’ve just introduced a rubric for this note-taking.

      It is my aim, year-on-year, that with all the content in place and being edited and improved, that we can move into a more student-centred method of learning.

      Sometimes, we skim the presentation first as an introduction, then students have the rest of the period to work on their notes, with their laptops. There are way too many resources in the presentations (animations, videos and interactives) to go through each one slide-by-slide in class, but they serve as interactive textbooks (my students only own the Allott study guide – though we have a collection of other texts in the lab and library). If we get stuck, then we can come back together and explain it.

      I try to do as many practical, current affairs or case-study type activities as possible – though some topics are more academic than others and need more traditional teaching time.

      There is so much about Biology that is (and should be) fun that whatever I can do to make everyone’s lives easier and allow more time to get into the subject is worth it.

      Good luck!


  10. Britta Fardig Bergstrom

    Hi Stephen,
    I will repeat my thanks to you for letting me/us view and use your excellent web site. It is reallly great!
    I just have a comment on your IBDP Handbook 2009-2010. It states in the more detailed part about passing conditions that the diploma only is rewarded if at least a D is rewarded in EE or TOK. So obviosly two E will be failing condition. Am I right?

  11. Charlotte Kirby

    Hi Stephen,
    My HOD, Aileen, has been in touch with you, mainly about IA but I wanted to add my thanks for the fantastic presentations. I’m currently revising with our HL classes and it gives me some fresh material to help them see it again!

  12. I am gobsmacked by the amount of excellent resources… do you have a life?

  13. Hello,

    I am an IB student working on my Extended Essay proposal. My teacher/supervisor is not offering me any help at all and Im become very stressed. She keeps telling me to contact a professor at a nearby university, but after reaching out to over ten, I still have recieved no reply. I think I have a good idea, but she hasn’t given me any feedback. This is it: Investigating the genetic variability of the enzyme maltate dehydrogenase in (a specific type) mussels. I don’t really have that much knowledge in this are, but the EE is all about learning. I can you offer me any help???

    • Hi Jennie,

      Your best bet is to ask for copies of the EE examiners’ reports – teachers can get these from a website called the OCC. There is loads of help in those.

      Good luck!


  14. EEP. This is saving my butt! Thanks so much for putting this up here, it’s so helpful. 😀

  15. Thank you for this wonderful site! We are a new school, and your expertise has been invaluable! I don’t know what we’d do without the guidance, ideas, and examples you provide…
    Will the DP site still be available after you switch to teaching the MYP? I hope so! Thanks again… we’ll make a year-end contribution to support your work!

    • Hi Miss Smith,

      Don’t worry – I’ll still be teaching IB Biology and will keep it running. Some sections might not get updated so frequently, but more new stuff should be added.

      Thanks for the comment!


  16. Hi Stephen, I find this website very useful.
    However, some files, e.g. youtube material, etc., may have been deleted due to account closure or file has been deleted.
    Can you please look into that?

    • Hi Joseph,

      Thanks for the comment. As is the nature of the internet it can be difficult to keep up with YouTube content from other people and other resources which have their links changed or are deleted. If you spot any specific issues please let me know.


  17. Vivienne Owens

    Dear Stephen,

    Hi. First can I thank you for sharing your hard work in this wonderful site. It has been a life-line to me and a joy to see resources done so well.

    I am new to teaching DP and MYP Biology and have landed in the deep end somewhat. I am currently writing unit plans for MYP 5 Biology and I wondered if by chance you know of a good MYP Bio practitioner that may have time to offer some advice.

    Many thanks,


    • Hi Vivienne,

      Thanks for the commment – glad the resources are of help. My best advice would be to post your questions and ideas on the OCC MYP Sciences area. Many minds make light work!

      Good luck,


      • Vivienne Owens

        Thanks Stephen,

        I did this already but didn’t receive any responses yet…hopefully will get some soon!

        Thanks for your response though.


  18. Hi Stephen,
    Thank you so much for all of your resources, I am a very new teacher from Australia working in new international school in the Czech republic and have stepped into a disaster of sorts and your site has helped immensely. When I tried to use the site and powerpoints this morning however they are all saying sorry we cannot find what you are looking for….please tell me the site is just under some updates and not being deleted.

    • Hi Deb,

      Thanks for the comment – there is nothing under renovation at the moment, although there might have been some SLideShare issues. They all appear to be working here. If you still can’t see them, try again later or clear the cache of your browser and try again.

      Good luck!


  19. Hi, Could you email me IBDP biology notes and some tips for EE and other requirement on my email. I am a new teacher in IBDP.

  20. This website is indeed the best website for IB biology. Thanks a lot for making such awesome notes


  21. Stephen,
    This is my first year to teach IB biology. Your website has saved me on many occasions. Thank you so very, very much for being willing to share your resources!

  22. Thanks a lot for the wonderful resources. I have made the donation. Would you please share you pptx files?

  23. Hello,

    Love your work. Do you use PowerPoint to make your presentations or another software? Thanks for any info!

  24. excellent ; a real help for students

  25. Krista Bayliss

    Hi Stephen,
    I’ve just discovered your blog. What an amazing resource!
    Thanks so much for sharing such a broad range of great resources.

  26. Hi Stephen,
    On behalf of my IB Bio HL class we are all grateful for your site. You have made it possible for us to learn the content of biology and pass our many tests and exams. We want you to know you have taught us so much and we want to thank you for every slide you made. I would like to personally say that you have taught me biology and I want to thank you.

  27. I made a Memrise course to remember the command terms by heart. Memrise makes you rewrite the ones you often forget, and it’s fun to move forwards in the levels as you realize that the definitions are becoming long term memories. Here’s the link: http://www.memrise.com/course/517020/ib-biology-command-terms-2/

  28. This is awesome !! Thank you very much !

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